Damnit to hell!

Well, I’m a damned foster failure!

Sarah is now part of our already large fambly! OY!

Okay, now on to something different… READ THIS LINK and come back.. I’ll wait…..



Okay, so here’s the question…

Aside from having a president who cares not about Americans, WHY THE FUCK ARE WE STILL IN IRAQ??

I say,

  • Bring our soldiers home. NOW
  • Let any DECENT (are there any left there?) Iraquis come with them.
  • Let the REST of those savages to their own ends..

This made me physically ill; sicker than the sight of seeing Palestinians “party in the streets” after terrorist planes attacked our country.

Support Our Troops – Bring them home NOW

3 Replies to “Damnit to hell!”

  1. we are still there because our president is into OIL
    He loves it..probably wears rubber training pants so he can sit in it all the time.
    He probably even sleeps in it.

    Next to oil, he loves money…look what he did with it..he bought the presidency!


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