24 hours and counting until I go to the land of the Japanese…
I’ve been working my arse off to make sure I’ve got everything covered before I go, and I’m SURE that I’ve missed something..
Meanwhile, I’ll wake up tomorrow and wonder if the “Sherminator” is going to be my new Governor.. OY! OY! OY!
My BUDDY is misled… Ahhhhnold is NOT the right choice in these times. He doesn’t have his own agenda. He has the agenda of his “handlers”…
We’re in trouble. He’ll probably win. We’ll be sorry for it.
Whatever. I’ll be in Japan enjoying the adventure and surrealism (Well, 14 hours after the plane takes off anyways). At least for a little while.. Maybe I’ll become SHOGUN while I am there! Maybe _I_ will be Anjin-Sahn! (or maybe I’ll just be mincemeat for the Triad).
Oy I sure could use a nice freshly baked Krispy Kreme right about now!
Japan.. holy fruitcakes batman! Have fun yo. Oh, and don’t forget to check out http://www.engrish.com before you go.