There is no spoon…

Most of my success has been serendipity. I was so lucky, and then complacency came and kicked my ass (and spray painted it gold!).

Success should be a deliberate act, and I’ve gone far too long “getting by” on fate. Client screws me, I lie down.. I falter. I get emotional (and there’s a scad of examples beyond clients). It’s all bullshit and I need to get over it. What’s really important is what really IS important (we all have differing definitions of such things). Time to kick ass and take names and chew bubblegum (and I’m fresh outta bubblegum)..


I am going to improve. I am going to consider what really IS important. I’m going to focus on TODAY’S and TOMORROW’S priorities rather than worrying about next year’s goals (cause today’s priorities will LEAD to tomorrow’s goals if I don’t stuff my head full of shit.. and that ensures next year’s dreams).

I gotta kick-ass team of friends, family and supporters… Time to LEVERAGE THAT and make us ALL win. (could this blog entry be ANY more obscure??).


One Reply to “There is no spoon…”

  1. All aboard.. the Neo express is about to leave for kick-ass city…

    Let me know if there is anything you need, buddy. The place here that I hooked up with is not going to be my place of employment past Friday I think. Not getting paid for a month will do that to a person, heh.

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