Tally Ho!

No, I’m no HO!

Tomorrow I pack my crap and then on Sunday we go to London! I don’t deserve to go (fuck it). It’s not the TIME to go (but then when is?).

But I am GOING non-the-less!!

Time to get over the guilt. Insipid Moron will still be there when I get back. We’ll still have customers when I get back (Cause Chung is gonna ROCK DA HOUSE) and when I get back, I will do whatever it takes to get one of my HOMIES back!

So Tally Ho (no hooker jokes!) and see ya soon!

One Reply to “Tally Ho!”

  1. If I may say so, you are quite the bitch. Say… I don’t sound jealous, do I? >:) Hope you have a good time. I’ll be here with lame, cheap clients!

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