Politicizing Death

There’s a "whole lotta hurt" out there in the Maryland/DC area. Some fucked up crazy white guy (that’s my guess) is shooting random people. He’s killing men, women and even shooting at children.

This is bad ENOUGH

But we’ve been seeing the "sheriff" getting testy.. We’ve seen the press "pressing in". We’ve seen politicians in those areas start to use the fear and un-ease as a platform for the upcoming November elections. And NOW we’re even seeing the press pick on this "sheriff" for stuff in his past..


It’s no wonder that I am sometimes ashamed to be a part of this species! What has happened to our world? When did death and mayhem become a token for politics to play video games with? And BUSH just keeps on a-pushin his Iraq agenda in the meantime, while the democrats and republicans foam at the mouth in congress. .. And just HOW FUCKING LONG are WE going to put up with it??? Oh, and am I the ONLY ONE that cannot STAND Connie Chung? (I put her on my list with Martha Stewart!).

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