Der Luftmensch

Public Service Announcement

Okay, I usually don’t fall for the PSA’s (sheesh, haven’t *I* been aweful prolific with my blog today!), but this is really really important.. Especially for the three stooges (I sense some “shoe fitting” going on)..

= EOF =

DCP_0747 DCP_1874 DCP_1567 DCP_1507 DCP_1330 DCP_1115 DCP_2089 DCP_1850 DCP_0760 DCP_2383 DCP_0156 DSCF1087 DCP_4955 DSCF0220 6_13_2006_8_46_43_AM_0116 6_12_2006_10_03_42_AM_0106 DSC02307 8_14_2005_1_45_41_PM_0054
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